La Millière view

To train 100% of its employees in environmental issues, LVMH is committed to raising awareness and educating its talents about the challenges of preserving natural resources, biodiversity and climate change.


To achieve the LIFE 360 target of providing environmental training to all its employees by 2026, LVMH has set about raising awareness and teaching them the importance of looking after natural resources, conserving biodiversity and preventing climate change. In 2023, the Group designed environmental training courses aligned with the specific features of each of its various businesses. The Group and its Maisons work together closely and are scaling up their commitments in this area. The main initiatives implemented have been showcased at the ChangeNOW international Summit.


LVMH set up the LIFE Academy educational hub to provide a range of training in environmental issues extending from generalist sessions – such as the Essentials, a course for all employees – to specialized sessions for specific business areas within the Group. Sustainable product and packaging design, responsible sourcing, management of chemicals and sustainable store construction are among the issues it covers. In each area, the LIFE Academy equips employees with the skills needed to make the leap to sustainable solutions. What sets it apart is that rather than just spotlighting issues, it helps speed up action-taking. The courses offered include the analysis of practical case studies, the sharing of best practices between peers and the formulation of action plans. Feedback from LIFE Academy participants has been highly positive during its first year in operation. According to participants, the interactive and collaborative Environmental Essentials training will create a strong flow of idea sharing between the Maisons and the businesses. Employees who attended the Fashion & Leather Goods business group’s specialized sessions for example, highlighted the practical focus and the fact that the course content can be directly applied to sustainable design within their business group.


LVMH’s partnership with Vallée de la Millière is another part of its effort to accelerate training in environmental issues. Founded by Yann Arthus-Bertrand in 2020, the nonprofit biodiversity reserve will soon host its first training and awareness-raising programs for both LVMH employees trained in environmental issues and the general public. The 30-hectare site bordering Rambouillet forest encompasses a reserve, an educational garden and several buildings. LVMH has pledged to provide financial support over five years for rewilding, a switch to regenerative agriculture practices and on-site training on environmental issues for as many people as possible.

Group's intiatives

LIFE in Architecture

The “LIFE in Architecture” guide, dedicated to sustainable building construction and operations, is now available as open source on the Group’s website.

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LIFE 360 Business Partners

LVMH's compass for supporting its suppliers, particularly in the areas of raw materials and transport, this program aims to work with them to reduce Scope 3 emissions, which account for 96% of the Group's carbon footprint.

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LIFE 360 Business Partners plan, announced at the LIFE 360 summit in December 2023

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