LIVE — L’Institut des Vocations pour l’Emploi works with people aged 25 and over looking to get back into work and make a fresh start.
Inspiring new vocations
LIVE – L’Institut des Vocations pour l’Emploi has put together an innovative program, specifically developed to help people back into work after long-term unemployment. LIVE gives people wishing to build a new future for themselves the opportunity to cultivate their talent and realize their potential.
The LIVE approach to education seeks to enable students to both effectively make us of their existing skills as well as acquire new knowledge, while offering support to restore and bolster their confidence.
LIVE favors a comprehensive approach designed to define and develop a career path that reflects the abilities and aspirations of every student.
LIVE is also a supportive environment which helps students gain an appreciation of the breadth of opportunities out there, expand their network and gain new skills so as to increase their chances of success.
How LIVE was born
Finding your way back into work after long-term unemployment, whether by choice or circumstance, can often be difficult, and it is even harder without support.
That is why Brigitte Macron, with the help of Olivier Théophile, an Educational Committee and the LVMH Group, founded LIVE – L’Institut des Vocations pour l’Emploi.
The institute
The Institute was set up to give people aged 25 and over who have not been in employment, education or training for at least 12 months (irrespective of their entitlement to benefits) the opportunity to find a vocation, develop a career plan and either return to employment, start their own business or get back into training through LIVE’s tailored support programs.
How can enroll
To be eligible to enroll at LIVE — L’Institut des Vocations pour l’Emploi, people must be aged 25 and over and:
Want to join the active population and pursue a career plan. After being out of employment, education or training for a considerable period of time, they must want to break back into the labor market.
Have completed their compulsory education.
Have been out of stable employment, education or training for at least 12 months.
Be sponsored by an employer, charity or social progress organization.
Developed by the LIVE Educational Committee, the support provided at the Institut des Vocations pour l’Emploi spans an 18-week period, two weeks of which are spent gaining experience at a workplace.
The program enables participants to bolster their key skills, acquire new skills, and develop their career plan while benefiting from tailored guidance.
The Educational Committee
Chaired by Brigitte Macron, the LIVE Educational Committee is composed of prominent figures renowned for their expertise and dedication to education, reintegration and equal opportunities.
To find out more about LIVE – L’Institut des Vocations pour l’Emploi, visit
Group's intiatives
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